Tree Post

My tree hasn’t changed much since I last visited it. The tree grew some flowers on it, but it’s still a bit bare. It also started to grow leaves, but barely any yet. My name Andy is short for Andrew which comes from the Greek name Andrea, which means brave and manlike. My tree’s name is Linden. I named the tree Linden because in Slavic mythology, there is a tree named Linden and is considered sacred. I found a cricket near the tree and I named it Cicada. I named it that because Cicada means bugs. Optimist means “A person who tends to be hopeful and confident about the future or the success of something.” Pessimist means “A person who tends to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.” I think that I’m more pessimistic than optimistic. At night, I always think someone might break into the house. When I’m in difficult situations, like when we run out of gas. I just think about what could possibly go worse. Like maybe we get stranded, or we actually die. I think of many things and it comes together into a whole story. Whenever I see new things, I always point out the bad things. Usually when people tell me something is good, I point out the bad things.


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